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Pellet Rifles

Pellet Rifles are containers that hold Pellets, which are used in air-powered firearms. They are designed to feed the pellets into the gun's barrel, allowing the user to shoot multiple shots without having to reload manually.

Pellet Rifles can be designed for specific types of guns, such as pistols, rifles, or shotguns, and they may have different capacities, such as holding 10, 20, 30, or more pellets. Some Pellet Rifles may also have features such as anti-tilt followers or bumper pads to ensure reliable feeding and prevent jamming.

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Airsoft Gun Ammo: Choose Your Arsenal

Pellets and Steel BBs

Pellets and steel BBs are essential ammunition options for airsoft guns, providing precision and reliability on the battlefield. Pellets are ideal for spring-powered and CO2 airsoft guns, offering consistent performance and accuracy. Steel BBs are suitable for guns with smoothbore barrels, delivering reliable shooting and target penetration.

Airsoft BBs

Airsoft BBs are lightweight plastic projectiles designed specifically for airsoft guns. Available in various weights and colors, these BBs offer consistent flight trajectories and impact performance. Biodegradable options are also available, ensuring environmental sustainability during outdoor gameplay.

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